From the vegetable garden to the pot
Shared gardens and sustainable food in Bondy
The Chair is a partner in a project led bythe LAB3S(Sols Savoirs Saveurs Laboratory) winner of the call for projects "Common spaces: shared spaces and times" ofthe Paris Habitat Foundation.
So that people in a situation of food insecurity can have access to quality, chosen and diversified food, the LAB3S and the chair have built the program "From the vegetable garden to the pot" in close collaboration with various local partners. Intended for the inhabitants of the north of the city, it is designed on the model of collective kitchens, such as we have seen them emerge in Canada and Peru. It aims to accompany and co-animate, for two years, three shared gardens and three collective kitchens. Objectives: to test new methods for (re)investing places collectively; offer participants the opportunity to reclaim their food, to learn and share their cultural and culinary skills through workshops, both in the garden and in the kitchen.
In the program:
Co-animating shared spaces: 3 gardens and 3 collective kitchens
Co-construct collective kitchen models adapted to the needs of the target audiences as well as to the territory
Propose a local program around cooking workshops, meetings and visits
Disseminate and spread throughout the territory

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