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The 100 Nurturing Places
So as not to remain unsolved


The Chair is a partner in a project led by theAFAUP(French Association of Professional Urban Agriculture) winner of the France Relance recovery plan in the "Local and solidarity food" measure.


The health crisis has had unprecedented impacts, particularly on vulnerable populations, even revealing new profiles of people in financial difficulty. This has further heightened concerns about their access to housing, adequate food and other rights. This project, which is spread over the year 2021, aims to facilitate access to quality food for people in precariousness.


In the program:

  • A census of all the initiatives that work in this direction on the territory,

  • A tour that will stop in 10 emblematic nurturing places to highlight them,

  • A seminar bringing together all the actors of food and precariousness to trigger the dynamics and find sustainable solutions.


Don't hesitate to take a look at the project's website by clicking below and add your foster location!

Worn by

Logo AFAUP.png

In collaboration with

Logo Assemblée Virtuelle.png

Financed by

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