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Academic partners

The Urban Agriculture Chair is supported by theAgroParisTech Foundation(under the aegis of the ParisTech Foundation recognized as being of public utility)



The purpose of the AgroParisTech Foundation is to encourage, promote and enhance all actions contributing to the quality of research and teaching in the life and environmental sciences and industries, areas of competence of AgroParisTech. It supports any initiative aimed at enriching and disseminating knowledge relating to this teaching and research.


The Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences and Industries, saysAgroParisTech, leads two fundamental missions:  

> the training of engineersat the heart of a system extended to other academic and "professional" courses articulated in regional or thematic networks built with many partners;

> production and dissemination of knowledge(research and development) in partnership with major research organizations and the main relevant professional technical centres.


INRAE, the national research institute for agriculture, food and the environment was born on January 1, 2020. It comes from themerger between Inra,National Institute of Agronomic Researchand Irstea, National Institute for Research in Science and Technology for the Environment and Agriculture.

AgroParisTech and INRAe are very closely linked on various themes through joint research units, including a multidisciplinary "Urban Agriculture" research team from UMR Sadapt, which has existed since June 2012.

Patron partners

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Field partners


GRET is ainternational development NGO, under French law, which has been working since 1976 to provide sustainable and innovative responses to the challenges of poverty and inequality. We support actions implemented inMadagascaron therecovery of urban organic wastefrom urban sanitation. Once a year, we go on site to assess the actions supported.


The Research Institute for Development is an internationally recognized multidisciplinary body, working primarily in partnership withMediterranean and intertropical countries.Very strong links exist between the chair and the IRD, in particular through the 3S Lab (Soils, Knowledge, Flavors). We work together on thecreation of branches of exotic crops in the priority neighborhoods of the city.

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