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Jardins nourriciers

Réseau Agricultures urbaines
& précarités alimentaires (AUPA)

Created in 2018, the AUPA network brings together the actors involved in the fight for accessibility to healthy, sustainable and quality food for all. 


Thanks to this network, more than 80 actors committed and concerned by this theme meet, discuss, present their actions, the constraints encountered and together try to build projects, internships and even advocacy to bring their voice to the public sphere.


At the origin of the network: 3 observations

  • He  today there are many forms of urban agriculture that are entering niche markets, selling products with high added value andthus increasing food inequalities in the city;

  • Many populations of the city's political priority neighborhoods (known as QPV) arein demand for forms of urban agriculture(particularly collective gardens);

  • Finally, institutional food aid mechanisms have many limitations, including that ofnot providing enough fresh produceto populations in great need.

Mission spécifique

Urban agriculture and food insecurity, what prospects?

More and more urban agriculture projects are devising models to meet the needs of the poorest. Between food gardens, solidarity grocery stores, gleanings from local producers, cooking workshops, shared gardens and many more...

The Chair brings its expertise through this network under the prism of urban agriculture which reveals several assets:

- access to fresh and local products which make it possible to diversify the diet

- the participatory aspect of urban agriculture projects makes it possible in particular to go against the distributive aspect of food aid

- the educational aspect is a vector of knowledge around food, whether it is knowledge of food, skills to produce or cook it 

- and many more to discover via action research through the interconnections of the different actors

Qu'est-ce que la précarité ?

Le terme « précarité » fait référence, dans notre réseau, à un public assez large, c’est-à-dire, aux bénéficiaires de l’aide alimentaire, aux résidents de centres d’hébergements, aux habitants des quartiers prioritaires de la ville, aux personnes en emploi précaire, aux territoires zéro chômeur et aux personnes isolées (hommes, femmes et/ou enfants).

​Le dénominateur commun de ces populations est leur précarité ou insécurité alimentaire. A contrario, la sécurité alimentaire existe lorsque tous les êtres humains ont, à tout moment, un accès physique, social & économique à une nourriture saine dont la quantité consommée et la qualité sont suffisantes pour satisfaire les besoins énergétiques et les préférences alimentaires des personnes.

Acteurs impliqués

This network currently brings together NGOs/associations such as ATD Fourth World, the Red Cross, Secours Catholique, local associations in connection with people in precarious situations, researchers and social landlords.

The public is not closed but the theme of "precariousness" and access to food through urban and peri-urban agriculture for these people is a necessary criterion and of common interest for the actors.

Thématiques et projets

Des rencontres et recherches ont émergé plusieurs projets :

Image de rivage

et cuisines collectives

Jardins nourriciers

Image de Elianna Friedman

Rôle des jardins
en contexte migratoire

Image de Jason Goodman

Projet TZPA

Actions du réseau

Depuis 2018, la Chaire Agricultures Urbaines anime ce réseau via plusieurs leviers :




  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Youtube


Crédit : Chaire Agricultures Urbaines 2024

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