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Demonstrate the socio-economic roles of urban agriculture

Roles understood both in terms of social ties, value creation, awareness and openness to the agricultural world

Initiatives continue to spring up throughout the country and in the world more generally. We are beginning to take a step back from all that these projects allow, whether they are carried out by groups of inhabitants wishing to change things on their scale, by committed communities, associations or companies with ecological and social values very often. marked. However, a question that continues to be in the forefront is that of the economic model and the sustainability of these projects.

We wish, through this chair, to better understand and strengthen the socio-economic roles of urban agriculture, in particular by aiming to know and improve their economic models, by analyzing and strengthening their roles in the integration and 'use.


Quantify and qualify

the social impact of urban agriculture (acceptability, evolution of social relations)



the creation of value from urban agriculture in its various forms (economic models, trajectories, jobs, sectors)


Analyze and develop

the interactions between urban agriculture among themselves and with the agricultural world in the broad sense as well as the mutual benefits drawn from these interactions


Characterize and prove

the educational role of certain forms of urban agriculture


Describe, characterize and quantify

"health" benefits



landscape and urban integration of projects



Our partners

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